Imports / init

# Those two lines are for dev only : they watch imported libraries for changes
#%load_ext autoreload
#%autoreload 2

import brightway2 as bw
import os

import lca_algebraic as agb

from sympy import init_printing
import bw2io
from dotenv import load_dotenv

# Pretty print for Sympy

Init brightway2 and databases

# Set the current project
# Can be any name

# It's better to not leave credential in the code.
# Create a file named .env, that you will not share /commit, and contains the following :
# ECOINVENT_LOGIN=<your_login>
# ECOINVENT_PASSWORD=<your_password>

# This load .env file into os.environ

# This downloads ecoinvent and installs biopshere + technosphere + LCIA methods
if len(bw.databases) > 0:
    print("Initial setup already done, skipping")
    # This is now the prefered method to init an Brightway2 with Ecoinvent
    # It is not more tied to a specific version of bw2io
        username=os.environ["ECOINVENT_LOGIN"], # Read for .env file
        password=os.environ["ECOINVENT_PASSWORD"], # Read from .env file
Initial setup already done, skipping
# We use a separate DB for defining our foreground model / activities
# Choose any name
USER_DB = 'MyForeground'

# This is better to cleanup the whole foreground model each time, and redefine it in the notebook (or a python file)
# instead of relying on a state or previous run.
# Any persistent state is prone to errors.

# Parameters are stored at project level :
# Reset them also
# You may remove this line if you import a project and parameters from an external source (see loadParam(..))

# Overview of the databases
[WARNING] Db MyForeground was here. Reseting it
backend nb_activities type
ecoinvent-3.9-biosphere sqlite 4709 biosphere
ecoinvent-3.9-cutoff sqlite 21255 background
MyForeground sqlite 0 foreground

Introduction to Numpy

Numpy is a python libray for symbolic calculus.

You write Sympy expression as you write standard python expressions, using sympy symbols in them.

The result is then a symbolic expression that can be manipulated, instead of a numeric value.

from sympy import symbols

# create sympy symbol
x = symbols("x")

# Expressions are not directly evaluated
f = x * 2 + 4
$\displaystyle 2 x + 4$
# symbols can be replaced by values afterwards
$\displaystyle 10$

In practice, you don’t need to care about Sympy. Just remember that : * The parameters defined below are instances of sympy symbols * Any valid python expression containing a sympy symbol will create a sympy symbolic expression

Define input parameters

First, we define the input parameters of the model together with their distribution.

The numeric parameters are instances of sympy ‘Symbol’.

Thus, any python arithmetic expression composed of parameters will result in a symbolic expression to be used later in the definition of the model, rather than a static numeric result.

# Example of 'float' parameters
a = agb.newFloatParam(
    default=0.5, min=0.2, max=2,
    distrib=agb.DistributionType.TRIANGLE, # Distribution type, linear by default
    description="hello world",
    label="extended label for a")

b = agb.newFloatParam(
    default=0.5, # Fixed if no min /max provided
    description="foo bar")

share_recycled_aluminium = agb.newFloatParam(
    min=0, max=1, std=0.2,
    distrib=agb.DistributionType.NORMAL, # Normal distrib, with std dev
    description="Share of reycled aluminium")

c = agb.newFloatParam(
    default=0.6, std=0.2,

beta = agb.newFloatParam(
    default=0.6, std=0.2, a=2, b=5,

# You can define boolean parameters, taking only discrete values 0 or 1
bool_param = agb.newBoolParam(

# Example 'enum' parameter, acting like a switch between several possibilities
# Enum parameters are not Symbol themselves
# They are a facility to represent many boolean parameters at once '<paramName>_<enumValue>'
# and should be used with the 'newSwitchAct' method
elec_switch_param = agb.newEnumParam(
    values=["us", "eu"], # If provided as list, all possibilities have te same probability
    description="Switch on electricty mix")

# Another example enum param
techno_param = agb.newEnumParam(
        "technoC":0.5}, # You can provide a statistical weight for each value, by using a dict
    description="Choice of technology")

Persistance of parameters

By default, new parameters are kept in memory but also persisted in the project (unless save=False).

You can persist parameters afterwards with persistParams().

You can load also load parameters from an existing database with loadParams().

The persistance of parameters and the distribution is compatible with Brightway2 and Activity Browser see documentation of stat_arrays

# Load parameters previously  persisted in the dabatase.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param a was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param a was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param b was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param b was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param share_recycled_aluminium was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param share_recycled_aluminium was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param c was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param c was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param beta was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param beta was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param bool_param was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param bool_param was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param elec_switch_param was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param elec_switch_param was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param techno_param was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param techno_param was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.

Manage several databases

lca_algebraic supports several foreground / background datasets. Background datasets are considered static / non parametrized by the library : they use standard LCA method of Brightway2.

Foreground databases are considered parametric and their activities are developped as functions of parameters and background activities.

Set status of a database

The functions setForeground(…) and setBackground(…) change the status of a database.

backend nb_activities type
ecoinvent-3.9-biosphere sqlite 4709 biosphere
ecoinvent-3.9-cutoff sqlite 21255 background
MyForeground sqlite 0 foreground

Import / export

lca_algebraic extends BW2Package, adding persistence of parameters.

# Save database and parameters as Bzipped JSON
agb.export_db(USER_DB, "tmp/db.bw2")
# Reimport DB
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param a was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param a was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] Variable 'a' was already defined : overidding it with param.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param b was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param b was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] Variable 'b' was already defined : overidding it with param.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param share_recycled_aluminium was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param share_recycled_aluminium was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] Variable 'share_recycled_aluminium' was already defined : overidding it with param.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param c was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param c was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] Variable 'c' was already defined : overidding it with param.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param beta was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param beta was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] Variable 'beta' was already defined : overidding it with param.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param bool_param was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param bool_param was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] Variable 'bool_param' was already defined : overidding it with param.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param elec_switch_param was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param elec_switch_param was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] Variable 'elec_switch_param' was already defined : overidding it with param.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param techno_param was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] [ParamRegistry] Param techno_param was already defined in '<project>' : overriding.
[WARNING] Variable 'techno_param' was already defined : overidding it with param.
Brightway2 SQLiteBackend: MyForeground


A foreground database can be “frozen” to be used as a background database for a specific scenario : the parametrized amounts in the exhanges are computed for a given configuration of the parameters, and replaced by their value. The formulas are still stored in the database and not lost : the database can still be used as a foreground database until its status is changed with setBackground(...).

This feature is useful for studies requiring several datasets to be used as background by other ones. It also enables to use standard Brightway2 tools, not aware of parametrization.

    USER_DB, # Name of database to freeze

    a=1, b=2) # custom parameter values

Get references to background activities

We provide two functions for easy and fast (indexed) search of activities in reference databases : * findBioAct : Search activity in biosphere3 db * findTechAct : Search activity in ecoinvent db

Those methods are faster and safer than using traditionnal “list-comprehension” search : They will fail with an error if more than one activity matches, preventing the model to be based on a random selection of one activity.

# Biosphere activities
ground_occupuation = agb.findBioAct('Occupation, industrial area') # Search by name
heat = agb.findBioAct('Heat, waste', categories=['air']) # Add category selector

# Technosphere activities

# You can add an optionnal location selector
alu = agb.findTechAct("aluminium alloy production, AlMg3", loc="RER")
alu_scrap = agb.findTechAct('aluminium scrap, new, Recycled Content cut-off')

# Elec
eu_elec = agb.findTechAct("market group for electricity, medium voltage", 'ENTSO-E')
us_elec = agb.findTechAct("market group for electricity, medium voltage", 'US')

chromium = agb.findTechAct("market for chromium oxide, flakes")

Define the model

The model is defined as a nested combination of background activities with amounts.

Amounts are defined either as constant float values or algebric formulas implying the parameters defined above.

Create new activities

# Create a new activity
activity1 = agb.newActivity(USER_DB, # We define foreground activities in our own DB
    "first foreground activity", # Name of the activity
    "kg", # Unit
    exchanges= { # We define exhanges as a dictionarry of 'activity : amount'
        ground_occupuation:3 * b, # Amount can be a fixed value
        heat: b + 0.2  # Amount can be a Sympy expression (any arithmetic expression of Parameters)

# You can create a virtual "switch" activity combining several activities with an Enum parameter
elec_mix = agb.newSwitchAct(USER_DB,
    "elect mix", # Name
    elec_switch_param, # Sith parameter
    { # Dictionnary of enum values / activities
        "us" : us_elec, # By default associated amount is 1
        "eu" : (eu_elec, 0.8)  # You can also provide custom amout or formula with a tuple

Copy and update existing activity

You can copy and update an existing background activity.

Several new helper methods have been added to the class Activity for easy update of exchanges.

alu2 = agb.copyActivity(
    USER_DB, # The copy of a background activity is done in our own DB, so that we can safely update it
    alu, # Initial activity : won't be altered
    "Aluminium 2") # New name

# Update exchanges by their name

    # Update amount : the special symbol *old_amount* references the previous amount of this exchange
    "aluminium, cast alloy": agb.old_amount * (1 - share_recycled_aluminium),

    # Update input activity. Note also that you can use '*' wildcard in exchange name
    "electricity*": elec_mix,

    # Update both input activity and amount.
    # Note that you can use '#' for specifying the location of exchange (useful for duplicate exchange names)
    "chromium#GLO" : dict(amount=4.0, input=chromium)

# Add exchanges
alu2.addExchanges({alu_scrap :  12})

Final model

total_inventory = agb.newActivity(USER_DB, "total_inventory", "kg", {
    activity1 : b * 5 + a + 1, # Reference the activity we just created
    alu2: 3 * share_recycled_aluminium,
    alu:0.4 * a})

Or load existing model /activities from database

Alternatively, you may not define the model again, but load it from the USER DB.

activity1 = agb.findActivity("first foreground activity", db_name=USER_DB)
total_inventory = agb.findActivity("total_inventory", db_name=USER_DB)
alu2 = agb.findActivity("Aluminium 2", db_name=USER_DB)

Display activities

printAct displays the list of all exchanges of an activity.

Note that symbolic expressions have not been evaluated at this stage

# Print_act displays activities as tables
first foreground activity (1.000000 kg)
input amount unit
Heat, waste Heat, waste b + 0.2 megajoule
Occupation, industrial area Occupation, industrial area 3*b square meter-year
total_inventory (1.000000 kg)
input amount unit
Aluminium 2 Aluminium 2[RER]{FG} 3*share_recycled_aluminium kilogram
aluminium alloy production, AlMg3 aluminium alloy production, AlMg3[RER] 0.4*a kilogram
first foreground activity first foreground activity{FG} a + 5*b + 1 kg
# You can also compute amounts by replacing parameters with a float value
agb.printAct(activity1, b=1.5)
first foreground activity (1.000000 kg)
input amount unit
Heat, waste Heat, waste 1.70000000000000 megajoule
Occupation, industrial area Occupation, industrial area 4.50000000000000 square meter-year
# You can print several activities at once to compare them
agb.printAct(alu, alu2)
  aluminium alloy production, AlMg3[RER] (1.000000 kilogram) Aluminium 2[RER] (1.000000 kilogram)
  input amount unit input amount unit
aluminium scrap, new, Recycled Content cut-off nan nan nan aluminium scrap, new, Recycled Content cut-off 12 kilogram
aluminium, cast alloy market for aluminium, cast alloy 0.965000 kilogram market for aluminium, cast alloy 0.965 - 0.965*share_recycled_aluminium kilogram
cast iron market for cast iron 0.004060 kilogram market for cast iron 0.004060 kilogram
chromium market for chromium 0.003050 kilogram market for chromium oxide, flakes 4.000000 kilogram
copper, cathode market for copper, cathode 0.001020 kilogram market for copper, cathode 0.001020 kilogram
electricity, medium voltage market group for electricity, medium voltage[RER] 1.590000 kilowatt hour elect mix{FG} 1.590000 kilowatt hour
magnesium market for magnesium 0.030500 kilogram market for magnesium 0.030500 kilogram
manganese market for manganese 0.005080 kilogram market for manganese 0.005080 kilogram
silicon, metallurgical grade market for silicon, metallurgical grade 0.004060 kilogram market for silicon, metallurgical grade 0.004060 kilogram
zinc market for zinc 0.002030 kilogram market for zinc 0.002030 kilogram

Select the impacts to consider

# List of impacts to consider
impacts = agb.findMethods("climate change", mainCat="EF v3.0")
[('EF v3.0', 'climate change', 'global warming potential (GWP100)'),
 ('EF v3.0', 'climate change: biogenic', 'global warming potential (GWP100)'),
 ('EF v3.0', 'climate change: fossil', 'global warming potential (GWP100)'),
 ('EF v3.0',
  'climate change: land use and land use change',
  'global warming potential (GWP100)')]


Define functional unit

The functional unit is a quantity that can be parametrized

functional_value = a + 5

Compute impacts


    # Root activity of our inventory

    # list of impacts to consider

    # The impaxts will be divided by the functional unit

    # Parameters of the model
[INFO] Db changed recently, clearing cache expr
[INFO] Db changed recently, clearing cache lcia
climate change - global warming potential (GWP100)[kg CO2-Eq] climate change: biogenic - global warming potential (GWP100)[kg CO2-Eq] climate change: fossil - global warming potential (GWP100)[kg CO2-Eq] climate change: land use and land use change - global warming potential (GWP100)[kg CO2-Eq]
total_inventory 6.4928 0.0143764 6.47243 0.00598809
# You can compute several LCAs at a time and compare them:
    [alu, alu2], # The models

    impacts, # Impacts

    # Parameters of the model
[INFO] Db changed recently, clearing cache expr
climate change - global warming potential (GWP100)[kg CO2-Eq] climate change: biogenic - global warming potential (GWP100)[kg CO2-Eq] climate change: fossil - global warming potential (GWP100)[kg CO2-Eq] climate change: land use and land use change - global warming potential (GWP100)[kg CO2-Eq]
aluminium alloy production, AlMg3[RER] 7.30913 0.015893 7.27595 0.0172853
Aluminium 2[RER] 30.5944 0.0676333 30.5011 0.0256965

Fast computation of many parameter values

# Fast computation for millions of separate samples
    total_inventory, # The model
    impacts, # Impacts
    functional_unit = functional_value,

    # Parameters of the model
    a=list(range(1, 100000)), # All lists should have the same size
    share_recycled_aluminium=1, # Those parameters are fixed
climate change - global warming potential (GWP100)[kg CO2-Eq] climate change: biogenic - global warming potential (GWP100)[kg CO2-Eq] climate change: fossil - global warming potential (GWP100)[kg CO2-Eq] climate change: land use and land use change - global warming potential (GWP100)[kg CO2-Eq]
1 13.6393 0.0323603 13.5979 0.00906581
2 12.1085 0.0286456 12.0711 0.00875842
3 10.9604 0.0258596 10.926 0.00852789
4 10.0674 0.0236926 10.0354 0.00834858
5 9.35303 0.0219591 9.32287 0.00820513
... ... ... ... ...
99995 2.92429 0.00635876 2.91102 0.00691425
99996 2.92429 0.00635876 2.91102 0.00691425
99997 2.92429 0.00635876 2.91102 0.00691425
99998 2.92429 0.00635876 2.91102 0.00691425
99999 2.92429 0.00635876 2.91102 0.00691425

99999 rows × 4 columns

Split impacts along axis

It is possible to tag activities and then ventilate the impacts according to the value of this “tag”. This is useful to split impact by phase or sub module.

# Tag activities with a custom attribute : 'phase' in this case
alu2.updateMeta(phase= "phase a")
activity1.updateMeta(phase= "phase b")
# Provide the name of the custom attribute as 'axis'
# The impacts are split between those
    total_inventory, # The model
    impacts, # Impacts

    functional_unit = functional_value,

    # Parameters
[INFO] Db changed recently, clearing cache expr
[INFO] Db changed recently, clearing cache lcia
climate change - global warming potential (GWP100)[kg CO2-Eq] climate change: biogenic - global warming potential (GWP100)[kg CO2-Eq] climate change: fossil - global warming potential (GWP100)[kg CO2-Eq] climate change: land use and land use change - global warming potential (GWP100)[kg CO2-Eq]
_other_ 0.487275 0.00105953 0.485063 0.00115235
phase_a 6.00552 0.0133169 5.98737 0.00483573
phase_b 0 0 0 0
*sum* 6.4928 0.0143764 6.47243 0.00598809

# Sensitivity analysis

## One at a time

We provide several functions for computing statistics for local variations of parameters (one at a time).

### oat_matrix(model, impacts)

Shows a matrix of impacts x parameters colored according to the variation of the impact in the bounds of the parameter.


This functions draws a dashboard showing : * A dropdown list, for choosing a parameter * Several graphs of evolution of impacts for this parameter * Full table of data * A graph of “bars” representing the variation of each impact for this parameter (similar to the information given in oat_matrix)


    # Optionnal layout parameters
    figsize=(15, 15),

Monte-carlo methods & Sobol indices

Here we leverage fast computation of monte-carlo approches.

We compute global sensivity analysis (GSA). Not only local ones.

Similar to OAT matrix, we compute Sobol indices. they represent the ratio between the variance due to a given parameter and the total variance.

for easier comparison, we translate those relative sobol indices into “deviation / mean” importance :

\[RelativeDeviation = \frac{\sqrt{sobol(param) \times totalVariance(impact))}}{mean(impact)}\]
# Show sobol indices
Generating samples ...
Transforming samples ...
Processing Sobol indices ...
Processing sobol for ('EF v3.0', 'climate change', 'global warming potential (GWP100)')
Processing sobol for ('EF v3.0', 'climate change: biogenic', 'global warming potential (GWP100)')
Processing sobol for ('EF v3.0', 'climate change: fossil', 'global warming potential (GWP100)')
Processing sobol for ('EF v3.0', 'climate change: land use and land use change', 'global warming potential (GWP100)')

We provide a dashboard showing violin graphs : the exact probabilistic distribution for each impact. Together with medians of the impacts.

    total_inventory, impacts,

    # Optionnal layout parameters
    figsize=(15, 15),
[WARNING] Param 'b' is marked as FIXED, but passed in parameters : ignored
Generating samples ...
Transforming samples ...
##### Alternatively, graphs can be shown horizontally, together with a box of statistical outcomes
    total_inventory, impacts,

    # Optionnal layout parameters
    height=7, width=15,
    percentiles=[5, 95])
Generating samples ...
Transforming samples ...
[WARNING] Param 'b' is marked as FIXED, but passed in parameters : ignored
climate change - global warming potential (GWP100) [kg CO2-Eq / kWh] climate change: biogenic - global warming potential (GWP100) [kg CO2-Eq / kWh] climate change: fossil - global warming potential (GWP100) [kg CO2-Eq / kWh] climate change: land use and land use change - global warming potential (GWP100) [kg CO2-Eq / kWh]
median 9.20969 0.0209857 9.18056 0.0076141
std 2.62946 0.00616566 2.62203 0.00135006
p [4.661296192674368, 13.295579122765872] [0.01047596849769584, 0.03075347545386549] [4.646365014916029, 13.255641748517466] [0.0046951461108982245, 0.008892238955949797]
mean 9.12342 0.0208455 9.09526 0.00731335
var 0.28821 0.295779 0.288286 0.184602

A dashboard groups all this information in a single interface with tabs.

It also shows total variation of impacts. This last graph could be improved by showing stacked colored bars with the contribution of each parameter to this variation, according to Sobol indices.

[WARNING] Param 'b' is marked as FIXED, but passed in parameters : ignored
Generating samples ...
Transforming samples ...
Processing Sobol indices ...
Processing sobol for ('EF v3.0', 'climate change', 'global warming potential (GWP100)')
Processing sobol for ('EF v3.0', 'climate change: biogenic', 'global warming potential (GWP100)')
Processing sobol for ('EF v3.0', 'climate change: fossil', 'global warming potential (GWP100)')
Processing sobol for ('EF v3.0', 'climate change: land use and land use change', 'global warming potential (GWP100)')

Producing simplified models

One of te outcome of the statisticall analysis above would be to identify main input parameters and produce simplidied models, fixing the minor ones.

We provide several functions for doing this.

Explore initial algrebraic model

# First, let's look at the full expression defining our model
expr, _ = agb.actToExpression(total_inventory)
$\displaystyle 0.4 a aluminium_{alloy production AlMg3} + 3 share_{recycled aluminium} \left(12.0 aluminium_{scrap new Recycled Content cut off} + 1.272 elec_{switch param eu} market_{group for electricity medium voltage1} + 1.59 elec_{switch param us} market_{group for electricity medium voltage} + 1.0 market_{for aluminium cast alloy} \left(0.965 - 0.965 share_{recycled aluminium}\right) + 0.00406 market_{for cast iron} + 4.0 market_{for chromium oxide flakes} + 0.00102 market_{for copper cathode} + 0.0305 market_{for magnesium} + 0.00508 market_{for manganese} + 0.00406 market_{for silicon \mathcal{metallurgi} grade} + 0.00203 market_{for zinc}\right) + \left(a + 3.5\right) \left(0.7 Heat_{waste} + 1.5 Occupation_{industrial area}\right)$

Compute simplified models

We provide some method to automatically select a subset of parameters, based on the sobol indices, and then compute simplified models for it.

We also round numerical expression to 3 digits, and we remove terms in sums that are less than 1% of total.

simplified = agb.sobol_simplify_model(
    total_inventory, # The model
    impacts, # Impacts to consider

    n=10000, # For large model, you may test other value and ensure ST and sum(S1) are close to 1.0
    fixed_mode = agb.FixedParamMode.MEDIAN, # We replace minor parameters by median by default,
    min_ratio=0.8, # Min ratio of variability to explain
Generating samples ...
/home/rjolivet/lca_algebraic/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scipy/stats/ UserWarning: The balance properties of Sobol' points require n to be a power of 2.
  sample = self._random(n, workers=workers)
Transforming samples ...
[WARNING] Param 'b' is marked as FIXED, but passed in parameters : ignored
Processing sobol for ('EF v3.0', 'climate change', 'global warming potential (GWP100)')
Processing sobol for ('EF v3.0', 'climate change: biogenic', 'global warming potential (GWP100)')
Processing sobol for ('EF v3.0', 'climate change: fossil', 'global warming potential (GWP100)')
Processing sobol for ('EF v3.0', 'climate change: land use and land use change', 'global warming potential (GWP100)')
> Method :  climate change - global warming potential (GWP100)
S1:  0.995048982989199
S2:  0.0022916719684489845
ST:  1.0031510935848316
Selected params :  ['share_recycled_aluminium'] explains:  0.9712731972816963
$\displaystyle - 0.514 ShareRecycledAluminium \left(5.67 ShareRecycledAluminium - 32.1\right) + 0.421$
> Method :  climate change: biogenic - global warming potential (GWP100)
S1:  0.9948707545799679
S2:  0.0017073402807030727
ST:  1.0034883702074027
Selected params :  ['share_recycled_aluminium'] explains:  0.9681595352302657
$\displaystyle - 0.512 ShareRecycledAluminium \left(0.0105 ShareRecycledAluminium - 0.0719\right) + 0.000928$
> Method :  climate change: fossil - global warming potential (GWP100)
S1:  0.9950470992594116
S2:  0.0022964389961461387
ST:  1.0031515621316118
Selected params :  ['share_recycled_aluminium'] explains:  0.9712429262872392
$\displaystyle - 0.513 ShareRecycledAluminium \left(5.64 ShareRecycledAluminium - 32.0\right) + 0.42$
> Method :  climate change: land use and land use change - global warming potential (GWP100)
S1:  0.9959868912968689
S2:  -0.002553059830429213
ST:  1.0052410330177808
Selected params :  ['share_recycled_aluminium'] explains:  0.9882528867286657
$\displaystyle - 0.512 ShareRecycledAluminium \left(0.0152 ShareRecycledAluminium - 0.0306\right) + 0.00101$
# Let's look at the expression for first impact again
# much simpler !
$\displaystyle - 0.514 share_{recycled aluminium} \left(5.67 share_{recycled aluminium} - 32.1\right) + 0.421$

Compare simplified model with full model

Finally, we can compare the distribution of those simplified model against the full model. We provide a function for graphical display of it, and compuation of de R-Square score.

[INFO] Required param 'elec_switch_param' was missing, replacing by default value : us
[INFO] Required param 'a' was missing, replacing by default value : 0.5
[INFO] Required param 'share_recycled_aluminium' was missing, replacing by default value : 0.6
[INFO] Required param 'share_recycled_aluminium' was missing, replacing by default value : 0.6
Generating samples ...
Transforming samples ...
/home/rjolivet/lca_algebraic/lca_algebraic/ FutureWarning: Calling float on a single element Series is deprecated and will raise a TypeError in the future. Use float(ser.iloc[0]) instead
  "R² : %0.3g" % r_value,
[INFO] Required param 'elec_switch_param' was missing, replacing by default value : us
[INFO] Required param 'a' was missing, replacing by default value : 0.5
[INFO] Required param 'share_recycled_aluminium' was missing, replacing by default value : 0.6
[INFO] Required param 'share_recycled_aluminium' was missing, replacing by default value : 0.6
Generating samples ...
Transforming samples ...
/home/rjolivet/lca_algebraic/lca_algebraic/ FutureWarning: Calling float on a single element Series is deprecated and will raise a TypeError in the future. Use float(ser.iloc[0]) instead
  "R² : %0.3g" % r_value,
[INFO] Required param 'elec_switch_param' was missing, replacing by default value : us
[INFO] Required param 'a' was missing, replacing by default value : 0.5
[INFO] Required param 'share_recycled_aluminium' was missing, replacing by default value : 0.6
[INFO] Required param 'share_recycled_aluminium' was missing, replacing by default value : 0.6
Generating samples ...
Transforming samples ...
/home/rjolivet/lca_algebraic/lca_algebraic/ FutureWarning: Calling float on a single element Series is deprecated and will raise a TypeError in the future. Use float(ser.iloc[0]) instead
  "R² : %0.3g" % r_value,
[INFO] Required param 'elec_switch_param' was missing, replacing by default value : us
[INFO] Required param 'a' was missing, replacing by default value : 0.5
[INFO] Required param 'share_recycled_aluminium' was missing, replacing by default value : 0.6
[INFO] Required param 'share_recycled_aluminium' was missing, replacing by default value : 0.6
Generating samples ...
Transforming samples ...
/home/rjolivet/lca_algebraic/lca_algebraic/ FutureWarning: Calling float on a single element Series is deprecated and will raise a TypeError in the future. Use float(ser.iloc[0]) instead
  "R² : %0.3g" % r_value,